P.E. Expectations
Physical Education Program
The Physical Education Program at Lone Hill is designed for the total fitness of the student. This includes participation in physical activities, positive interpersonal interactions with other students, and team play. It also includes appropriate personal conduct, adherence to class, school rules, district rules, and policies. In addition we will continue to encourage our students to challenge themselves and become mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially fit.
Student Expectations
1. Wear the proper LHMS physical education uniform to class every day. The uniform includes LHMS Physical Education T-shirt ($13) and shorts ($17) and/or a LHMS sweatshirt ($23)/sweatpants ($17). In addition, plain black shorts, plain royal blue shirts, plain black sweatshirts, plain black sweatpants are acceptable and may be purchased elsewhere. If you purchase elsewhere, the clothing must meet the above requirements and follow Lone Hill’s dress code. All clothes should be clearly labeled with the student's last name, first name/initial. Clothes should be taken home on Fridays, laundered and returned for use on Monday. * Girls are not to wear leggings to PE AT ALL. They will be asked to change into regular Lone Hill PE shorts/sweats or loaner clothes if they do not have the proper attire.
2. Be on time to class and be on task.
3. Listen to instructions, using listening skills.
4. Respect each classmate. (No put downs, no profanity, no inappropriate behavior.) Learn to appreciate & understand individual differences.
5. Demonstrate respect for the physical education facilities, equipment and fields by not abusing, defacing, damaging, or littering school property.
6. Participate every day to the best of their ability
7. Understand and meet the California State physical education standards.
8. Check with the teacher to make up the missed work due to absence for ANY reason.
9. Do not wear jewelry to class since it can be a safety hazard.
10. Use the restroom/drink water during the times allotted for dressing/undressing.
11. Bring SSR or study material to class on rainy days.
12. Students are to wear their PE clothes to PE class only. Street clothes are to be worn in all other classes.