Locker Room Rules
Locker Room Rules
Locker Room Rules
Locker Room Rules
In order to keep the locker room safe, running, screaming, rough housing, bad language, touching other's belongings, etc. is prohibited
To keep the locker rooms clean, no food and drinks are allowed except for water
Students should only use their PE clothes and not any one elses.
Students should only use their lockers to lock up their own belongings and their friend's locker
Make sure locker is LOCKED before leaving the locker room
Once dressed students need to meet on their numbers for roll call to ensure they are marked present for class
Students should not hang out in the locker room
DO NOT enter the boys or girls P.E. offices unless invited by one of the teachers
Check the lost and found when you lose your things
NO CELL PHONES can be used in the locker rooms